About Keala

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So far Keala has created 77 blog entries.

Ann Arbor, New York and Boston screenings between Nov 30 and Dec 10

Schedule of “Noho Hewa” screenings in Ann Arbor, New York City:

Monday, Nov 30, 6pm, University of Michigan Sponsored by Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies, Global Indigeneities Workshop, Michigan Student Assemblies Peace and Justice Commission, Native American Students Association– as part of “Native Heritage Month” celebration.

Thursday, Dec 3, 6pm
African Diaspora Film Festival
Riverside Theater at Riverside Church
91 Claremont Ave. @ 120th St.
tickets & info 212-864-1760 or www.nyadff.org

Tuesday, Dec 8, 6pm
NYU Tisch School of Arts
721 Broadway, Room 648
Seating is limited so RSVP at 212-992-9653 or email apa.rsvp@nyu.edu

Wednesday, Dec 9, 6:30 pm
The Brecht Forum
451 West Street (between Bank & Bethune Streets)
tickets  & info 212-242-4201

Thursday Dec 10, 7pm
International Action Center
55 West 17th Street #5C (between 5th & 6th Avenues)
for info call 212-633-6646

There will be one screening in Boston

Monday, Dec 7, 4pm
University of Massachusetts, Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd
Science Center, 2nd Floor, Herbert Lipke Auditorium (0003A)

2022-06-10T13:52:16-10:00December 3rd, 2009|Updates|

November/December events: The People Speak Radio, Maui, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi Island… New York!

RADIO INTERVIEW: Tuesday, Nov 3rd, 3pm (Hawaiʻi time),  Anne Keala Kelly will be interviewed by Basima Farhat on “The People Speak Radio,” streaming at www.thepeoplespeakradio.net.  This show is produced by Mike Kim and recent guests include Dahr Jamail, Russell Means, Howard Zinn and Betty Peltier to name just a few.  Mahalo nui to Mike and Basima for including the Hawaiian political and cultural issues “Noho Hewa” addresses on their show.  Tune in and kokua independent, political, and socially relevant radio!

MAUI: Thursday, Nov 5th, 6pm, Maui Community College, Ka Lama room 103, screening followed by Q&A with filmmaker; this event is being sponsored by Hoʻokahua Project, Koʻa and the Hawaiian Studies Dept.  DVDs will be available for purchase at this event and 10% of funds raised will go to the Hoʻokahua Project.

OʻAHU: Thursday, Nov 19th, 10am, Honolulu Community College, Bldg 2, room 201 (the Loui Room).  DVDs will be available for purchase at this event and there will be Q&A with the filmmaker.

HAWAIʻI ISLAND: Saturday, Nov 21st, UH Hilo in room UCB-100, there will be a screening […]

2022-06-10T13:53:06-10:00September 1st, 2009|Events, Press, Updates|

NOHO HEWA in Albuquerque, Oct 12th, Tacoma, Oct 15th, Seattle, Oct 19th

* Thursday, October 8th, Kaneohe Screening, 6:30 pm Windward Community College, Paliku Theater, Koolaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club is sponsoring a screening followed by Q&A.  All are welcome! DVDs will be available at this event.

Monday, Oct 12th,  (Native American Studies Indigenous Research Group (NASIRG) at the University of New Mexico will celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, formerly known as Columbus Day, and as part of the celebration they will screen of “Noho Hewa,” followed by Q& A with the filmmaker at the Student Union Theater.

Thursday, Oct 15th, Pacific Lutheran University will show “Noho Hewa” at 6:30 PM in the Chris Knutzen Hall at the Student Union,  followed by Q&A with the filmmaker.

Monday, Oct 19th, the University of Washington will screen”Noho Hewa” at 6PM followed by Q&A with the filmmaker.

All screenings are FREE and open to the public.


The event at UNM was followed by a therapeutic, comical Columbus Day pinata.

2022-06-10T13:53:40-10:00August 24th, 2009|Updates|

“Noho Hewa” in Aotearoa!

“Noho Hewa” will tour in New Zealand for two weeks as part of the Aotearoa Film Festival with screenings in Auckland, Rotorua and Porirua August 10 – 19!


Mahalo nui loa to Merata Mita, Russell Harrison, Kate Cherrington, Kelly Martin and every single person at Te Wananga who made showing “Noho Hewa” in their country such a rewarding experience!  Aotearoa is gorgeous and so are our Maori cousins who, by the way, Iʻm pretty sure were born singing in 3-part harmony!

2022-06-10T13:54:42-10:00July 27th, 2009|Updates|

May update

The San Francisco Film Society is now the Non-Profit Fiscal Sponsor for “Noho Hewa.”  Mahalo to Michele Turnure-Salleo for her help in setting this up and to Kimberly Hancock for her encouragement.

On May 9th, “Noho Hewa” was screened at Kamehameha Schools Kapalama campus for students in the Scholar’s Program and their parents.  It was an honor to be able to show the film that day and talk-story with these families.  I believe that’s the best way to see the film, with ohana, so that there can be a lively kukakuka afterwards.  Mahalo nui to Jasmine Stein for arranging the screening and to everyone in the Scholar’s Program for doing such important work on behalf of Hawaiians.

2022-06-10T13:55:10-10:00June 22nd, 2009|Updates|

March update

Mahalo nui to Clyde Namuo at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for some much needed support and to Bernadette and Chanetelle for taking care of the administrative process.

Aloha and mahalo to Kev and Ev at the Forward Foundation for facilitating the OHA grant.

Also, mahalo nui to Kimberly Hancock and her ohana for the kind support from Silicon Valley Community Foundation.  That fabulous grant was facilitated by the San Francisco Film Society.  Mahalo to Michele at SFFS.

2022-06-10T13:55:42-10:00June 22nd, 2009|Updates|